Friday, August 30, 2019

Baby Registry: My Must-Have Checklist

Baby Registry Checklist:

After having three kids, there a few things I would have definitely added to my first baby registry and a few things I could have done without. Here is my updated list of all the essentials with links to some favorites.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Music Lessons: A Guide to Knowing When to Start

When to Start Music Lessons:

So, your child wants to play an instrument but you are not sure if it is time to start private (one-on-one) lessons.

I wish I could say “anytime! any age!” but that wouldn’t be entirely true. There are some things I look for when I have a student take a trial lesson. These are things you can look for as a parent at home before contacting a teacher and I can confidently say that any good teacher will be looking for these things as well. I look at these slightly differently for violin and piano. I teach both instruments and though many of these overlap, I am a bit more willing to take on a younger, less-focused student on piano.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Potty Training: A No-Fuss Step by Step Guide + Helpful Tips

Potty Training: A No-Fuss Step by Step Guide and Helpful Tips


Potty Training: 

It’s that thing you know you have to do because you can’t have your kid wearing diapers in high school and every parent somehow figures it out. I'm not going to lie... it's hard. The first 3 days are pretty intense, but it is worth it! Think of all the money you will save on diapers!