Monday, March 2, 2020

10 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

Here are a few things you may or may not know about me, depending on how well you know me!

1. I don't watch movies. 
Since probably college, I have preferred TV shows and could probably watch 10 or more in a row, but movies...nope. I honestly get bored easily or if I end up not liking the movie, I feel like I wasted my time. I'm not the greatest date! I have watched Frozen in about 15 minute increments over several months, if that gives you any idea. I do it for the kids!

2. I'm a pastor's daughter.
My dad started a church with my mom before I was born and I loved watching him serve in such a meaningful way. I miss hearing him preach since he retired a couple years ago, but thankfully we attend a different church now (they do as well!) and they have asked him to preach a couple times. He is now a part of the pastoral team at our church, so seeing him continue to serve in a different way and with a different congregation has been really wonderful. 

3. I met my husband at my sister's wedding.
Everyone always says "ooooo" to that since it sounds like it was love at first sight and we basically rode off into the sunset together. But it wasn't quite like that. I was pretty anti-relationships because of my ex at the time and really wasn't sure I wanted to dive into another relationship quite yet. I DID friend him on Facebook, though, because I like to keep my options open. Haha! 
But we started messaging each other, then texting, then meeting at my sister's in Illinois, then meeting in Indiana where I was in grad school and so on. We told each other we loved each other before we were technically dating, so once we started dating, we pretty much knew it was for good. I never second-guessed anything after we dated because I think I really questioned it all beforehand. He went to school with my sister and brother-in-law so they filled me in before he really had a chance to. Clearly it was all good!

4. I was a full-time nanny in Texas. 
Between college and grad school, I took the year off from school to work on my auditions. This really wasn't my choice, but because of a pretty frustrating relationship I was in, things got a little messy and I was having a hard time figuring out the next step in life. I chose to work as a nanny and found the most wonderful family who had 2 kids at the time (they have many more now!). Their oldest was the flower girl in my wedding. They treated me so well and I loved being a special part of their family.

5. My dream job (outside of music) was to be a news anchor.
I have always been one to love many different jobs. I could never work at a desk all day every day for years and years. The thought makes me yawn and more power to those of you who actually can! I just have always known it wasn't for me. Being a reporter has always seemed like such an interesting job - finding stories, sharing them with the world and being a part of that crazy bustle seemed like an awesome life. Now that I'm in my 30s, I probably wouldn't go down that route anymore, but I sure loved dreaming about it. 

6. I was homeschooled.
Nerd-alert! I actually loved being homeschooled and have definitely considered it for our own kids because of it. My mom has always been incredibly motivated and creative, and being homeschooled by her was absolutely wonderful. I loved being home and being able to work faster and harder to get my work done. It really allowed me to excel at the violin and piano and I really don't think I would have gone on to study in college and grad school if I hadn't made some tough choices, even in high school. To give you the full picture: I was homeschooled through 7th grade, private Christian school 8th-10th grades, homeschool and the U of M my junior year and public school and the U of M my senior year. I graduated from public school and probably knew maybe 3 people graduating with me (Hi, Ben). My love for education started really early on, so I'm thankful for all the work my mom put into teaching me!

7. I worked at a Brewery for about 2 weeks.
This is embarrassing. Like really, really embarrassing. Basically, I wanted a job in college (though I didn't really need one) and thought being a hostess might be fun. Mind you, my jobs in high school were violin gigs and babysitting, so having an actual regular paycheck from a business was new to me. I also didn't realize that a brewery brewed beer (ahem, sheltered, but thankful for my parents). I started the job and honestly disliked it from the beginning. My favorite part was folding all the merchandise shirts in the front (they thought I had some type of apparel experience they said). I don't like working with food and the smell was gross (I had enough of a beer smell in our dorm), so I basically said see-ya! I don't even know if my parents knew I got that job. So, here's one for you Mom and Dad. 

8. I played my violin for the former Czech Republic President and former Governor of Minnesota.
I was 11 and probably a little naive at how cool this experience actually was. My mom played the piano for me, bought me a pretty outfit and we played the Romanian Folk Dances by Bartok. I remember the president of the University joking with my dad about attending there when I was older.  But I got my picture with Vaclav Havel and Jesse Ventura and it sat in my violin case for years. Still to this day, I'm thankful for that opportunity. 

9. My first kiss wasn't until after I graduated from high school.
Now that I'm a parent, I want to hug my parents and say "how did you do it?! way to go!", since I know some day my girls will be older (and Charlie, too). But, I think being awkward and having that homeschool flair probably helped me quite a bit. Sadly, my first kiss wasn't with someone I actually liked and was basically a little "lesson". So sad, I know. 

10. I don't drink alcohol.
This isn't to say that I've never, but I have chosen not to now. There are quite a few things in life that I feel like are slippery slopes for me (like cake for example) and having them in large quantities can be not the greatest decision. I think seeing alcohol abused in college really turned me off to it. I always thought I would be one of those classy wine-drinking people (which I was on our honeymoon), but I've decided it's not for me and I don't really miss it at all. I don't have to explain anything to my kids yet and I love that. Ryan also has never had alcohol and I want to support his decision to continue. 

A funny story - in college I had a few episodes of passing out (that part is not funny, I know) and the EMTs asked me after one of these episodes if I had been drinking. I told them yes! I had been a lot! I told my mom and she thought they probably meant alcohol. Ohhhh... I thought they were asking if I was hydrated. Wups. They figured it out eventually at the hospital, but now I know I have to be more clear. 

11. Bonus one - When I was little, I always wanted my name to be Erin. 
I don't remember why, but I would write stories of a girl named Erin all the time. I was probably about 7 or 8 years old. I like my name now. :)

So there you have it! 10 things you maybe didn't know about me. Let me know in the comments if you knew any of these already!

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