Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quarantine :: 5 Things I'm Doing At Home

Things to do during quarantine at home blog post by Raising Quinns

This time at home as been an opportunity for growth for me. Sometimes I feel like the days fly by having young kids and I'm constantly "hanging on" for the ride. I've heard much wisdom on learning not to be fearful and anxious during this time, but to instead use it as an opportunity to grow. I'm taking that to heart!

Personally, I have always loved finding more efficient ways to do things, whether it is cleaning, organization, time management, teaching my kids or self-care. I am a stay-at-home mom and work part-time as a violin and piano teacher. I love what I do and always want to try to do better.

I have been very blessed in that my life has not changed drastically since the quarantine for Covid-19. Ryan still goes to work and I teach all of my students online. There have been changes for sure, but not so significant that it has caused great hardship for our family.

That being said, I do not want to waste this time.

A couple weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to find my spiritual life, relationships, home, body and children in a better condition after all of this passes. That may seem like a lot, but I'm always up for a good challenge and honestly don't want to regret how I used this precious time. So, here are 5 things I'm focusing on these days, more than ever before.

1. Work Out

Excuses are easy for me. Getting it done is not. I have decided that I am going to make working out a part of my routine with the kids. They watch me, run around crazy, make messes, and even join me for some of the workouts. I love it! It's a sacrifice of time and energy, but I know taking care of myself is a way that I can show my kids I love them.

I started a free trial of Beach Body and I am hooked! The workouts are 30 mins each and there is one for every day. I'm doing the 21 Day Fix Real Time. It is really pushing me!

The workouts for the first week are easier and each week gets slightly more challenging. I like that each day is a different type of workout focusing on one of these: pilates, yoga, upper body, lower body, full body and cardio. I have a channel on our Roku TV and it is so easy to just get on there, start the workout and listen to my own workout song playlist on our Echo Dot.

If you are looking for something to push you - I highly recommend Beachbody. I've seen results already and feel them, too. That's the best part!

2. Read

Reading is something that always gets kicked to the curb when I'm super busy.

Now, I have set a time after breakfast that I sit down with my coffee and a book while the kids play in the playroom.

I tend to "binge" read books because I get sucked in, but I'm trying to read smaller amounts more often. I have actually finished a book and I'm started on the next already!

Here are some books I plan to read in the next couple months:

    3. Organize

    These days, it seems that I will always start a project and get interrupted at some point before it is finished. Now, I am able to really focus on what I want to accomplish and feel much more productive because of it! Each day is fairly predictable and I am planning out exactly what I would like to get done (always less than I'd like, but I try to be realistic).

    One of the things I've wanted for a long time is to feel like the kids rooms were "finished" - meaning fully decorated with intention (not some random picture frame that found its way into the room). That is my goal for this quarantine!

    I am working on the kids' closets first while choosing finishing touches online or from our basement decor shelves. The progress so far is more than I have done in months!

    4. Relax

    This one is hard for me. My mind is always going, I always have more things I could be doing with the kids, work to do in the house and even WANT to do those things. I know it is wise and healthy to slow down and take time to relax - sit back, talk, play with the kids, stare out a window, go on a walk, color, do a face mask or whatever.

    The hardest thing about being my own boss is that I also give myself a lot of work to do. I don't always know when to stop, because there is ALWAYS more to do. These last couple weeks, I've been trying to change that. Put up boundaries for when I should actually STOP something, turn something off, give myself the permission to sit back.

    We've been spending a lot more time outdoors these days. Every single day we can get out, we do. Normally, I'd sit there thinking about what I'm going to accomplish the second we get back inside, but I'm purposely trying to let those thoughts go and just soak in the fresh air!

    I am reading a wonderful book right now that has really made my think twice about why I'm doing what I'm doing. Is it to help others? Make money? Prove something? I highly recommend it because it pulls back all the layers on our WHY behind all that we do.

    5. Listen

    This one may seem really general, but hear me out! :) A lot of days, I clutter my mind with to-do lists,  ideas, what's next questions and so on. This quarantine has been weird because the social aspect of relationships doesn't just "happen". Reaching out to others has not always been my strength, mostly because my attention seems to be sapped by my wonderful, but still very young children, a self-imposed to-do list and many other things. :) I'm trying to change that.

    I am trying to listen more - to God - and my husband, my kids, my family and friends. I am trying to ask more questions. Learn more about these wonderful people in my life and instead of trying to meet every need or having my own needs met, listening to what they are experiencing in their own lives.

    I am reading my Bible more in depth. Asking what I can learn about God and how I can understand each passage better without glossing over it and setting it back on the shelf. My devotions happen during breakfast, because I'm just not a morning person. My kids see me do it. They ask me about it. It may not be as quiet of a "quiet time" as I'd like, but I am growing spiritually.

    Listening more forces me to be less self-focused - to give up my time for someone else, but without the intention to mentally check off a box. I have felt more blessed in the last couple of weeks simply by enjoying the relationships in my life.


    I know this time is hard for many, many people. I cannot even begin to understand some of the hardships out there. But, I also know that this time has some wonderful changes I do not want to overlook. Being with my family, having a slower lifestyle, enjoying the outdoors, the list goes on.

    What are YOU doing differently now that you are "stuck" at home?

    This post contains affiliate links but all opinions are honest and my own.

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